Pick Your Class Now ! Registration open for session 2024-25

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( A Senior Secondary School affiliated to C.B.S.E.)
CBS Public School, Dayal Bagh, Agra

CBS public school’s future will be shaped by the core values that have defined our past: academic freedom, tolerance, and experimentation. Our vision is of a natural,holistic,student-centered learning environment that empowers and inspires our students to be creative, innovative, green leaders. “Every child who leaves our school will have the social and academic skills and abilities to make choices in their lives” .The Mission of CBS public contributes to our Vision by educating young leaders in global citizenship. Our purpose is to champion a new model of learning that connects the timeless lessons from nature to a relevant and effective preparation for a fast-changing future.

Principal's Message

“Child is the future of our nation” childhood is very precious as our habits are formed in this age which helps to develop child’s abilities and potential.

Manager's Message

The term ‘education’ encompasses more than just knowledge and knowing. It is a harmonious blend of academia, arts, sports, emotions, attitudes..


Mr. A. K. TOMAR (M.A., B.Ed.)

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” ― Nelson Mandela.We, at CBS Public School, channelize the potential of the child to the optimum so that he becomes a successful professional, a good citizen and above all an asset to the human society.


The term ‘education’ encompasses more than just knowledge and knowing. It is a harmonious blend of academia, arts, sports, emotions, attitudes, creativity, nature and life itself! And in the world we have built today, the one who is adept in all these areas is the one who succeeds.


School discipline is the system of rules, punishments, and behavioral strategies appropriate to the regulation of children or adolescents and the maintenance of order in schools. Its aim is to control the students' actions and behavior"